Our Mission

When you choose Green Piano, we help you achieve the type of experience you are looking for with private piano lessons that offer remarkable results! Whether you are new to the piano or an experienced musician, our lessons are individualized to suit your learning style, musical preferences, and current abilities.

Under the motivational teaching style of professional pianist and composer, Edward Bemish, you will not only learn keyboard skills, but you will also acquire proficiency in learning how to play the instrument and express the music within you. Edward’s students will tell you (see testimonials and online reviews), that once you decide to enroll in lessons, there truly is no better choice for a piano instructor than Edward Bemish.



Get to know, Edward J. Bemish the owner and head instructor at Bemish Green Piano Studio. Edward was surrounded by music beginning in his early childhood. By age four his aptitude for music and his curiosity for the keyboard blossomed into the accomplished musician he is today.

At 15, he purchased a brand-new digital piano, which he then used to perform his first professional engagement in 1993.


At 18, Edward auditioned and was awarded a partial scholarship to attend the prestigious Berklee College of Music, where he studied with blues and jazz pianist Bruce Katz. Later, as a seminarian in New York City, he became pianist and vocalist during Mass for several churches in the Tri-state area. After leaving St. John’s University, he went on to study jazz and classical music with Anthony Mele at the University of Massachusetts Lowell, where he continued his studies in music education.


  • In 2001, Edward founded Bemish Green Piano Studio, and has provided over one hundred thousand lessons to-date. He has worked with students of all ages and levels, some of whom have advanced to teach and perform professionally. Teaching for Edward is more than a career – it is his vocation and passion.